Good morning folx! Its is now less than 24 til d day! Starting my day with a bowel prep. Due to the nature of having surgery so close to your bowels it is imperative you follow your surgeons advice on how to do this step properly. Now i have chrons so i have to do this a special way to ensure i dont get bloating and gas pains. I will be taking 10oz of magnesium citrate and 238 mg of miralax with 64 oz of gatorade. The mag citrate is taken at 0900 and should be consumed in 15 minutes of opening. Now some may say it tastes bad heres a helpful hint to get it down. Get the cherry flavor and put it in the fridge two days before so it gets really cold. No this will not hinder it's effectiveness. Then chug a lug. It tastes just like strong cherry cool aide. Next is the miralax at 1500 this afternoon. Miralax is super easy cause you have two hours to get the mixture down and it has no taste or gritty chalky texture. There are other methods for bowel prep such as dulcolax and go-litely but ive found with my repeat colonoscopies and prepping for those this is the kindest method on our stomachs. Bottoms up!!