Post op day 15. Today the catheter was removed and voiding was weird. Its like the you feel your bladder is full and when you sit on the toilet (they advised not to practice standing to pee til about week four) you feel a slight burn and then the urine just comes out. Its a totally different feel from when i had my female anatomy. Like i dont feel the urine coming at all. As you can see im still quite swollen and it seems ive gotten more girth than length. I had also just pleasured myself for the first time since surgery and boy, did it feel amazing. A totally different orgasm. My dick got harder than it ever has before and yes i was very gentle with it. I didnt manually play i used a vibe on the lowest setting just to see what it was going to feel like. I wish I had more length but at my first follow up today the surgeon said she was putting in the paperwork for stage two. That is scrotoplasty with implants and a mons resection. She said she can move my dick about one to two more centimeters forward so it will project out a little more but did advise it will never sit on my pubis. Im leaning toward a small phallo for stage three but i really dont want to lose sensation cause man, its good right now. As for leakage im still learning how to milk my penis to drain out all excess urine but i did leak through my boxers and onto my pants so, briefs with a panty liner and puppy pads for the first night... just in case. How the voiding trial works, they disconnect the clear tubing from your foley but leave the foley in place. Then they gravity fill your bladder with 250 cc or sterile saline, could be more, til you feel full and like your about to pee all over. Then they count to three you take a deep breath in and they pull the catheter out. I was so worried i was going to pee all over the floor but surprisingly your bladder wakes up after they fill you and you can hold it. A little, like maybe 5 cc, comes out with the catheter. Then you run to the bathroom where they have a special container to catch your urine and your instructed not to push but to just relax your muscles of your pelvis and let it drain naturally. If the amount or more of what they put is comes out then your good if less, you have to get the catheter put back. For this appointment i highly recommend chugging a bottle (16 or more fluids oz) then going for the removal so you can pass this step. I drained out 400, the 250 cc they put in and the 150 left over from my water consumption. Staff advised its pretty normal to get some burning and urgency after its removed and that even if your bladder doesnt feel like you need to go to at least sit on the toilet every 2-2.5 hours and relax to allow the urine to drain. This is done to prevent a uti and incontinence. You have to work up to longer periods of time to allow your bladder to retain pee again and not leak. So far theres a slight burn on the let side of my phallus when i start to urinate but the it goes away and the rest comes out. I was on bactrim for the first 13 days i had foley but then had some bleeding and burning and irritation when it would drain into the catheter so i was changed to my usual keflex that is normally prescribed when i get a uti. Im immunocompromised from chrons therapy so i get them quite often like 2-3 x a year. I also started the supplement uqora at 10 days with the catheter. I use step 2 for bladder wall integrity and prevention of bacteria in the urethra, and so far its relatively pain free to go. I drink about 5-6 bottles of water a day to not only keep hydrated but to prevent bacteria from building up by voiding more frequently. Doc says my urine should be clear yellow to almost clear for the next two weeks. I will say the down side to this surgery is that 15 days ago in preop i was 129 lbs and as of tonight im 140.6 its not really fat persay, all though with the holidays ive been eating garbage, but alot of it is swelling from the hysterectomy and your body trying to fill in the gap from where your uterus used to be. Its not used to having a hollow space so whatever you dont pee out your body stores in that space. I just got the ok to start walking up to two miles per day at a "reasonable" pace as long as im not hurting and nothing is tugging. I was also told to walk with a wider stance so as to not hurt the reconstruction of my phallus. Tomorrow im going back to my calorie counting of 1000 or less and walking two miles per day. I dont recommend this if your not already doing this like i was preop and make sure if you do you are getting all your essentials nutrients. I dont do much at home and as my activity increases and i start losing weight i will increase my calorie intake. Please keep in mind i was a very busy paramedic and was working 90-100 hours a week lifting and moving heavy equipment and patients prior to surgery. Which also reminds me i will be cleared to go back to full duty starting January 1,2025 and surgery was November 14,2024. As long as my as healing is going as smooth as it has been and i dont develop a stricture or infection of my tissues. So far in happy to report ive made it this far without any wound separation or major issues aside from the uti. Will update every week til im fully healed then will keep yall updated monthly til stage two in july or august. Cheers